The most efficient and effective way to achieve therapeutic levels of vitamins in the blood and body tissues are through intravenous vitamin infusions.

IV Infusions

Adrenal & Immunity Booster

Feeling like you’re running on empty? The Immunity infusion refuels your tired, worn-out system with our signature blend of Vitamin C, trace minerals, and a complex of B vitamins to start your engine.

The Real Deal (Holyfield) Antiviral Puncher

Just what the doctor ordered! Perfect for when medications are not appropriate and even the best oral supplements won’t cut it. This infusion has a special blend of vitamins that work quickly for a speedy recovery so you can get back to you!

Asthma Attacker

Stop wheezing and breathe! Feel the difference after a unique blend of vitamins opens up your airways and reduce inflammation so you can simply catch your breath!

Cancer Fighter

Cancer treatments can leave you fatigued and your body depleted of essential nutrients. It’s time to fight back with a mega dose of Vitamin C to help your body ward off cancer cells. You will also get essential B vitamins to boost your adrenals and other trace minerals to replenish your cellular energy.

Migraine Reliever

Its hard to function when your head feels like it’s exploding! We have created the perfect all-natural cocktail for quick relief without the added “headache” of going to the Emergency Room! A hefty dose of magnesium will provide rapid release of inflammation while other vitamins revitalize your mental clarity.   

Hangover Stopper

Was it a long night and you need to make it to work today? Use this quick fix to hydrate and jump start your day with a special mix of vitamins to quench your thirsty cells and spark your energy.

It’s Business Time

Not producing in the area that matters most? Feeling a bit lack luster when the lights are dim and you’re with that special someone? Get stimulated the natural way and get back in the saddle!

Fat DisSolver

Need we say more? The name says it all! Use this drip to accelerate your weight loss goals and help rebalance your metabolism to achieve long lasting results. In conjunction with a proper nutrition program, the Fat Dissolver will help you shed those unwanted pounds!

IV Push

For when you simply don’t have enough time to sit back and relax, these quick remedies pack a powerful punch! Don’t be fooled though, because a PUSH is just what you need to get going… 


Need a quick fix and energy on the go, this Push is all you need to wake up and go!


Long hours at work, late nights out, and now daily life stressors leave you taxed and toxic. But now: Ready, Set, Rebalance! Use this quick Push to detox and reset. In a hurry? Push and go! If you have time, add this on to any infusion for the finishing touch to a speedy recovery.


For more information please consult the doctor or a nurse.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Cardiovascular Health