Food provides the carbs, protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals that are imperative for your physical and emotional health. Every system operating in your body relies on the nutrients you ingest in order to function normally.
It takes a wide variety of foods to sustain these systems, and leaving one group out in favor of another can offset the balance and cause serious medical issues such as heart disease, digestive issues, and some cancers. Following a healthy, balanced diet can increase your energy, improve your mood, and prevent debilitating medical conditions from interfering with your health.
Many studies have shown how specific foods can affect depression, irritability, emotional eating, and behavior. A diet that eliminates or at least restricts overly processed foods in favor of fresh produce and healthful fats alleviates depression, decreases irritability, and improves your emotional outlook. Research has also shown that taking supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, and B vitamins can play a role in regulating mood.
The personalized nutritional guidance offered at The Ash Center often includes adding supplements to resolve nutritional deficiencies at the cellular level. They’ve created a product line called Pure Essentials that are therapeutic-grade, ethically-sourced solutions for managing stress, promoting digestive health and respiratory clarity, and reversing overall toxicity in your body.
Contact the office for a complete list, but a few of the Pure Essential Wellness Packs of supplements are:
Sound Sleep: Supplements include Ultra Sleep Support, Ultra Calm, and Relax Max. A deeply satisfying slumber allows for proper detox and repair, laser-like focus and superlative decision-making the next day. These three supplements work to support the neurotransmitter pathways responsible for quality rest.
Immune System Booster: The pack includes Ultra Buffered C, Ultra Vitamin D3, and Ultra Quercetin.This trio powerfully decreases inflammation, optimally supports immune system function, and precisely guides cells to stay on course. By offering the highest levels and purest forms of antioxidants, bioflavonoids and polyphenols available, this pack accomplishes its tasks flawlessly. Take the grouping regularly and perform the ultimate act in preventive medicine.
Dr. Lyon’s (x2) Signature Core 6: This pack features Ultra Buffered C, Ultra Quercetin, Lacto-Dophilus, Ultra Absorb, Ultra Magnesium, Ultra Vitamin D. The Signature Core 6 works in concert to comprehensively provide your system with all the bioavailable raw materials it needs to build, breakdown, defend and excel
Feel free to email us regarding any scheduling or general questions!