Millions of Americans suffer from headaches, allergies, fatigue, fibromyalgia, weight gain, and chronic pain on a daily basis without realizing that they are actually suffering from hypersensitivity to environmental toxins, common foods, and chemicals.
It all starts with testing
At the Ash Center, our advanced blood tests measure not only acute but also “hidden,” and “delayed” reactions that conventional tests fail to pick up on. Our tests are far more exhaustive than the conventional allergy evaluations available. For example, we test for environmental triggers such as latex, formaldehyde, molds, etc. and other substances that are not routinely tested for.
No More Allergy Shots
We also offer an immunotherapy program that is far more effective than traditional allergy de-sensitization treatments. At the Ash Center, we use sublingual drops (under the tongue) instead of allergy shots to shut off the allergic response.
Sublingual Drops
Patients are given the sublingual drops to take home and use daily. It can all be done without the inconvenience of a weekly doctor’s visit and it can eventually eliminate the need for daily antihistamines.