Biofeedback Therapy
Biofeedback functions much like mirror. We look at ourselves in a mirror in order to you see our appearance and to determine what needs to be improved. The major function of the mirror is to give us feedback regarding our appearance,. What we do about it is a matter of choice. In the hands of a skilled technician, biofeedback equipment can provide a variety of feedback signals. The signals are actually bits if information, which help individuals make decisions about what to do about the precipitating factors creating the signals. With the use of the biofeedback equipment the trained technician can help you the patient, learn how to interpret signals without the use of the equipment. With the ability to recognize the signals you can then choose to initiate corrective action.
Biofeedback is in non-invasive treatment. The procedure involves the therapist attaching sensors to varius parts of the body. The sensors are attached to the equipment, which can provide a variety of feedback signals to the therapist and to the patient. The sensors actually measure skin temperature, muscle tension and/or brainwave function. With the use of a visual or sometimes auditory form of feedback, the patient can be trained to detect the subtleties of the body signals. Overtime, and with practice new responses can be learned which in turn can be used to control and improve a variety of conditions.
Individuals whether they are children were adults who have been diagnosed to have ADD and or ADHD, can be trained to improve their concentration control. Migraine sufferers can learn to ward off the onset of migraines. Patients with impaired muscle moment as a result of stroke or accident, can be trained to once again regain muscle use. Involuntary bladder control can be managed with proper training using biofeedback. Anxiety and other nervous system disorders can be improved significantly, with the use of biofeedback training.
Over a period of time ranging from 10 to 50 sessions, individuals can be trained to self regulate. As a general rule, once the technique is learned the therapy can be used indefinitely and without additional training. The training is much like learning to type or ride a bike, it lasts a lifetime.