
To our Dearest Patients,

With deep sorrow and overwhelming heartbreak, we regretfully share the news of the premature passing of our beloved Dr. Richard Ash.

On Friday, December 25th, Dr. Ash passed away tragically as a result of unexpected complications following a routine medical procedure.

Dr. Ash will be remembered for so many contributions to the world and the medical community, including his unique approach to “being sick and tired of being sick and tired”, combining cutting edge diagnostic approaches with comprehensive functional testing to identify and treat the root causes of many common and uncommon ailments.

Family, friends, colleagues, patients, and all who wish to join are invited to attend a memorial service for Dr. Ash at 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 in the main sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El, 1 East 65th St, New York, NY.

No one can replace Dr. Ash. The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine’s progressive treatment and patient care will continue with the oversight and guidance of Dr. Ash’s dearest friend and colleague, Anthony Lyon, MD a world renowned physician, and the leadership of Rachel Ash and family. They together will assemble a team of several excellent world class physicians and specialists who will continue the care, quality, and philosophies of Dr. Ash.

The office is open per usual business operating hours. Please rest assured that your ongoing patient care and treatment protocols will continue without interruption. We will be contacting patients to reconfirm your appointments as we usually do, and to address any questions you may have.

We appreciate your love and support during this difficult time. In lieu of flowers:

With love,
Rachel Ash & The Ash Center staff



Oxidative Therapy


Many biochemical reactions in the body are balanced through redox mechanisms. Redox means (red)uction (ox)idation. Anytime a substance is reduced (which means chemically changed) something else must be oxidized (chemically changed the other way) for the reactions to stay in balance. As an example, oxidation is the process that causes rust (slow oxidation) or fire (rapid oxidation). In the body some types of oxidation are thought to be harmful by producing Free Radicals. (refer to Anti-oxidants ). We know there can be no life if oxidation does not occur. Oxidation is the process through which the body converts sugar into energy. The body also uses oxidation as the first line of defense against bacteria, virus, yeast and parasites. Even breathing OXYGEN is an oxidative process. Without OXYGEN for more than a few seconds serious consequences follow. Without oxidation we die very quickly. When we use the principals of oxidation to bring about improvements in the body, it is called a therapy, herein referred to Oxidative Therapy.


A number of substances are known to cause oxidation in the body but the most important of these is Hydrogen Peroxide (H202). Although a natural substance made in the body, it is still considered a drug when used in Oxidative Therapy. Hydrogen Peroxide, when exposed to blood or other body fluids containing the enzyme CATALASE, is chemically split into OXYGEN and water. Remember how Hydrogen Peroxide foams when you put it on a wound? The foam is OXYGEN being produced by the action of catalase on the Hydrogen Peroxide. A small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide can supply large amounts of OXYGEN to the tissue.


Injections of Hydrogen Peroxide are not new. The intravenous use was first reported by Dr. T. H. Oliver in Lancet, the British Medical Journal, in 1920. Patients with influenza pneumonia were treated with Hydrogen Peroxide infusions with very good results. The use of Hydrogen Peroxide injections to generate OXYGEN in the body has been studied at many major medical research centers throughout the world. Research reports have come from Baylot, Yale, Harvard, UCLA, Boston, England, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Canada, Nova Scotia, and other counties. Today, between 50 and 100 scientific articles are published each month about the chemical and biological effects of Hydrogen Peroxide. More recently, the “Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide” was reported by Charles H. Farr, M.D., Ph.D., at an International Medical Symposium in Czechoslovakia attended by representatives from 26 different countries. Oxidative Therapy, as introduced by Dr. Farr, is the rediscovery of an old treatment first reported almost 70 years ago.


There are many theories regarding the different functions of Hydrogen Peroxide in the body. There is also a great deal of scientific material to support almost every one. Hydrogen Peroxide is produced in the body in different amounts for different purposes. It is part of a system that helps you use the OXYGEN you breathe. It is part of a system that helps your body regulate all living cell membranes. A hormonal regulator, it is necessary for your body to produce several hormonal substances, such as; estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid. It is important in the regulation of blood sugar and the production of energy in all cells. It helps regulate certain chemicals necessary to operate the brain and nervous system. It is used in the defense system of the body to kill bacteria, virus, yeast, and parasites. It is important in regulating the immune system. Scientists are discovering the function of Hydrogen Peroxide in the body is far more complex and important than previously realized.


Oxidative Therapy using Hydrogen Peroxide has been reported in scientific literature and by physicians in the treatment of the following conditions or diseases, with varying degrees of success:

Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases:

Peripheral Vascular Disease (Poor circulation)
Cerebral Vascular Disease (stroke and memory)
Cardiovascular Disease (heart disease)
Coronary Spasm (Angina)
Cardioconversion (heart stopped)
Heart Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat)
Gangrene of Fingers and Toes
Raynaud’s Syndrome
Temporal Arteritis
Vascular and Cluster Headaches

Pulmonary Diseases:

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (lung)
Emphysema (lung disease)
Asthma (allergy, lung)
PCP (Pneumonia in AIDS)
Chronic Bronchitis

Infectious Diseases:

Herpes Zoster (shingles)
Herpes Simplex (fever blister)
Systemic Chronic Candidiasis (Candida)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr Virus)
HIV (AIDS) Infections
Acute and Chronic Viral Infections
Chronic Unresponsive Bacterial Infections
Parasitic Infections

Immune Disorders:

Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
Hypersensitive Persons (Environmental/Universal Reactors)


Migraine Headaches
Chronic Pain Syndromes (Multiple Etiologies)
Pain of Metastatic Carcinoma
Blood and Lymph Node Cancers

Physicians from around the world constantly share knowledge and experience and the list of uses for Oxidative Therapy is growing every day. Since Hydrogen Peroxide is a natural substance produced and used in body chemistry, there will be discoveries about its importance in biochemistry for years to come.

Only physicians trained in the administration of Oxidation Therapy can answer that question for you. You may or may not, depending upon your condition or illness. If treatment of your condition or illness has been unsatisfactory in the past, you may wish to learn more about Oxidative Therapy.


Weak, very pure Hydrogen Peroxide (0.0375% or lower concentration) is added to a sugar or salt-water solution, the same as used for intravenous feeding in hospitals. This is injected in doses from 50 to 500 mL into a large vein, usually in the arm, slowly over a period of 1 to 3 hours, depending on the amount given and the condition of the patient. It is painless, excluding the very small needle stick. Treatments are usually given about once a week in chronic illness, but can be given daily in patients with acute illness, such as pneumonia or flu. Physicians may recommend 1 to 20 treatments depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated. The patient is rechecked usually in 1 to 3 months to evaluate the benefit and determine if additional treatments may be necessary. Some patients, especially with chronic illness, may need to take follow-up treatments in a series of 5 to 10 treatments, or may need to be maintained indefinitely on a regular monthly schedule. As many as 50 treatments have been administered to several patients without complications. An experienced physician must decide how many treatments are necessary in each individual case.


Over the past 50 years, hundreds of patients have received Hydrogen Peroxide without reported serious side effects. Early use of Hydrogen Peroxide was noted to occasionally cause irritation of the vein being infused. This troublesome side effect was eliminated after the concentration and rate of infusion were adjusted downward.


Expense is a relative term. Persons with chronic diseases pay thousands of dollars annually to physicians, pharmacies, and hospitals, for drugs and therapies that do little more than maintain them at their current level of sickness. If Oxidative Therapy could save you 1/2 to 3A of your current expense, would you consider it expensive? The expense of any therapy varies more with the type of illness than type of therapy. Persons with serious complicated illnesses require more costly tests to diagnose and monitor them than do patients with less complicated illnesses. Much of today’s medical cost is in the testing rather than treatment. Don’t be afraid to ask your physician, in advance, about cost.


This usually depends on your insurance company and type of policy. Generally, insurance companies will not pay for medical service or care that they may classify as “not usual and customary”. “Usual and customary” simply means that most physicians provide the same service or treatment for the same disease. Since the average physician is not using Oxidative Therapy and most are not even familiar with the therapy, it is not considered “usual and customary”. A qualified physician can more easily answer this question on an individual basis.

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