Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex of symptoms which include overwhelming exhaustion. People with this disease aren’t just tired. They’re constantly exhausted, not just for a few days, but day in and day out for six months or longer.
Fatigue is only the beginning of the symptoms. CFS can generate flulike symptoms, such as sore throat, painful lymph nodes and aching muscles. Others symptoms include problems concentrating and bouts of confusion and forgetfulness. Many people with CFS have no tolerance for exercise. For example, imagine a person who used to run several miles a day being so exhausted by a walk around the block that he/she stays in bed for the next couple of days. Are you getting the picture?
So overwhelming is the fatigue that the victim can scarcely perform the most necessary functions such as getting dressed or getting out of the bed to go to the bathroom. It just engulfs you.