
To our Dearest Patients,

With deep sorrow and overwhelming heartbreak, we regretfully share the news of the premature passing of our beloved Dr. Richard Ash.

On Friday, December 25th, Dr. Ash passed away tragically as a result of unexpected complications following a routine medical procedure.

Dr. Ash will be remembered for so many contributions to the world and the medical community, including his unique approach to “being sick and tired of being sick and tired”, combining cutting edge diagnostic approaches with comprehensive functional testing to identify and treat the root causes of many common and uncommon ailments.

Family, friends, colleagues, patients, and all who wish to join are invited to attend a memorial service for Dr. Ash at 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 in the main sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El, 1 East 65th St, New York, NY.

No one can replace Dr. Ash. The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine’s progressive treatment and patient care will continue with the oversight and guidance of Dr. Ash’s dearest friend and colleague, Anthony Lyon, MD a world renowned physician, and the leadership of Rachel Ash and family. They together will assemble a team of several excellent world class physicians and specialists who will continue the care, quality, and philosophies of Dr. Ash.

The office is open per usual business operating hours. Please rest assured that your ongoing patient care and treatment protocols will continue without interruption. We will be contacting patients to reconfirm your appointments as we usually do, and to address any questions you may have.

We appreciate your love and support during this difficult time. In lieu of flowers:

With love,
Rachel Ash & The Ash Center staff


Conditions - Overview-Overview


Heart Disease Today

Heart disease is a silent killer, According to the National Institutes of Health, it will kill nearly 500,000 people this year. If more Americans took control of their health, this statistic could be reduced by as much as 87%, that means. 435,000 people would literally save their own lives each year.

In a better world, our food would be free of pesticides anti residues and grown for maximum nutrient content. We would know that our water is clean. The air that we breath would be free of pollutants. We would experience less distress in our lives and find time to exercise and eat right. Unfortunately, today’s hectic lifestyle and toxic environment make such a “reality” an “exception to the rule.”

“Your lifestyle, diet, and subtly and profoundly affect your heart…”

Your lifestyle, diet, and environment subtly and profoundly affect your heart: by restoring or depleting over 30 essential nutrients. For optimum heart health, your body needs the correct balance of these 30 nutrients in their most bioactive, cell-active form. In the context of a wholesome diet and healthy lifestyle, supplementation is the easiest, most effective way to promote, maximum heart health.

Types Of Heart Disease

There are many types of coronary disease. However, four basic groups or categories or types of cardiovascular conditions or heart disease will be reviewed, namely, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and heart arrhythmias. Since heart attacks and strokes are caused by the same problem, we will review them first.

A stroke or a heart attack can occur according to conventional science, when cholesterol clogs the arteries overtime by lining the arteries with excessive amounts of plaque. Plaque is a complex and hard mixture of calcium, cholesterol, fibrin and other substances. Under the right conditions were excessive amounts of plaque creating materials are abundant and flow freely through the vascular system, the artery to the brain and or heart becomes increasingly occluded, which means being narrowed to the point of not being able to carry sufficient amounts of blood any longer. When a blockage in arteries carrying blood to the brain occurs to the extent that an insufficient blood flow to the brain results, the brain sufferers the consequent reduction in oxygen and nutrients, resulting in a stroke. On the other hand, when the obstruction occurs in arteries leading to the heart and/or in arteries involved in the heart, causing an insufficient flow of blood to the heart and/or to portions of the heart, the insufficient blood flow to the heart results and a lack of nourishment to the heart muscle which causes it to begin to die, and this condition is referred to as a heart attack. Obviously, the degree to which blood flow is stopped is an indicator to the magnitude of the heart attack or stroke. A major stoppage of blood flow to the heart can cause instant death and a sufficient blood flow to major portions of the brain can result in death and/or a significant long-term disability resulting from irreversible brain damage.grossly

Heart failure is merely the wearing out to of the heart muscle. There are many reasons why the heart muscle weakens and degenerates, and they are typically the same reasons why many other parts of the body weaken and degenerate as well. We will review many methods in which this aging can be retarded and in some cases actually reversed with the use of alternative medical approaches.

Heart Arrhythmias are abnormal heart rhythm conditions. There are many kinds of abnormal rhythm conditions and equal number all of causes. These causes range from toxins, to structural defects, genetic abnormalities and nutritional deficiencies. Many forms of abnormal heartbeat can be traced to an magnesium deficiency and these conditions respond well to magnesium supplementation. Among the kinds of abnormalities which can be linked to magnesium deficiencies are atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contraction, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular arrhythmias. Magnesium is also related to our associated with mitral valve prolapse. The use of magnesium will be well covered in this section referred to as benefits of alternative medicine.

What Are The Risk Factors

many people are concerned with the general risk factors. Several of the risk factors are associated with cultural lifestyle habits and conditions and show a tendency to increase and severity and occurrence as the years ago by. With much literature substantiating these risk factors as causations two various cardiovascular problems, more and more people are taking he’d and seeking to alter their lives style in order to prolong their lives.

A diet high in fats has for a long time now been recognized as a primary villain and risk factor in cardiovascular disease. the difficulty many people have in understanding the risk of a high fat diet is not so much in the total fat but in the types of fat included in the diet. on the one hand there are two types of facts one of which is good one of which is bad. saturated fats of the villains when it comes to the bad fat part of the formula and this type of fat is commonly found in almost all of foods. Unsaturated fats are far less harmfull. It is recognized that in the vicinity of 95 percent of the population is deficient in essential fatty acids. These types of facts a used widely in the Mediterranean diet manner associated with a significant reduction in heart attacks and deaths as compared with the American Heart Association diet. We’re talking about differences in the four to 500 percent range between the American Heart Association diet in the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is a successful because of its high content of essential fatty acids.

High blood pressure referred to his hypertension is a major risk factor. This was factor involves the understanding of the principles of plumbing. Too much pressure in a pipe can cause many problems one of which is expansion another is fracture etc.. If you recall many people suffering from high blood pressure are also deficient in magnesium. There are many substances that unknown to be able to lower blood pressure and we will review some of these in the alternative medicine section.

High cholesterol levels can be a significant risk factor. In recent years in diet has been indicated as having less involvement in high cholesterol levels then does genetics. Genetically programmed cholesterol synthesis in the liver is a major problem. Though genetics seems to play the primary role in high cholesterol diet can have ameliorating influence for those who genetically dispositioned. Beyond the scope of diet there are many nutritional substances would be covered in the alternative medicine section which can be a great importance in lowering cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol oxidation is considered in major risk factor because it is the oxidation process that actually causes the cholesterol to the damage and clog arteries. Therefore, retarding the oxidation process is of utmost importance. There are many antioxidant nutritional substances that have been found to be very effective in reducing cholesterol oxidation. In general terms, any of the antioxidants can have a positive influence in reducing cholesterol oxidation, with the consequent reduction in risk.

Smoking has finally been recognized through the court’s into public opinion not to mention the scientific community is being a major villain of the highest level of risk factors. In simple terms, smoking kills with its poisons and its oxidation processes. Obviously, ceasing to smoke as well as the avoidance of secondhand smoke is a major importance in reducing the risk factor. Once again antioxidants can help the deal was the oxidation problems and other detoxifying natural substances can help to some degree of the poisons. These issues will be covered for the in the alternative medicine section.

Personality Type “A” is considered by many clinicians to be a major risk factor, while others suggest otherwise. Some even go so far as to say Type “A” personalities he eventually succumb to cardiovascular problems.

Genetics is also the major risk factor. Although genetics is to a great extent beyond our control and influence, there are many things that can be brought into play that can counteract the genetic previous position to cardiovascular disease. These issues will be reviewed in the alternative medicine section.

Obesity and excessive weight is a problem growing in magnitude daily in Western civilization. Although it is an exceptionally complex topic from a cultural point of view, nevertheless, with will power in a deep desire to overcome this risk factor individuals can be hopeful. Obesity presents a double barrelled problem. First, it places excessive strain on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. And second, the diet that usually leads up to the obesity condition can present the body with a myriad of negative factors. These factors involve nutritional deficiency problems, which in turn create systemic problems involving major organs, glands and premature aging. By inducing nutritional deficiencies of specific varieties can in fact significantly worsen existing or developing cardiovascular problems.

Testosterone deficiencies are also considered a risk factor. This risk factor is brought on to the natural aging process. One of the characteristics of testosterone is that it protects the cardiovascular system and of course a lack of testosterone can leave the system vulnerable. There are several natural substances which can bring testosterone levels back to more normal levels.

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