Wrinkle Prevention
EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW how to prevent wrinkles. Despite the popularity of cosmetic surgery, there are still plenty of people who want to live with their own faces forever and want to keep them in as good shape as possible. In fact, with the advent of highly effective sunscreens and more knowledge about maintaining supple skin, we are able to prevent wrinkles more effectively than previous generations were.
Most people aren’t aware that one of the primary functions of the skin is to excrete toxins and that some of these toxins cause blemishes, rashes, dryness, and dullness. If you want to help prevent toxins from reaching your skin, the best approach is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. This will also help prevent dryness.
You probably already know that tanning is an enemy of the skin. I don’t object to moderate protected sunning; indeed, a certain amount of sunshine helps vitamin D production and can alleviate depression. But the baking and basting of the old days is just asking for trouble, and not only in terms or wrinkling: The dramatic increase in skin cancer statistics is truly alarming. So, get some sun but never without a sunscreen. When you’re in full sun at the beach or playing tennis, I recommend a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Put it on about half an hour before you get into the sun if possible to give it a chance to work. Reapply it regularly, especially after swimming or sweating heavily.
While sunscreens on the beach are essential, it’s a mistake to save them for special occasions; daily use is advisable, especially if you spend any amount of time outdoors. Many of my patients tell me that a sunscreen is the first thing they put on their face in the morning after showering. One woman with beautiful skin told me that she has been using a sunscreen on her face and hands every morning for nearly ten years. I think this is a wise course to take. Fortunately, many makeups are now being formulated with sunscreens included. If you’re relying on them, just be sure their SPF is 15 or above.
If you find that after using a sunscreen you break out in a rash or suffer sunburn, you might be allergic to a common sunscreen ingredient -PABA. Try another formulation with different active ingredients, and before using it in the sun test it on your wrist or arm for a few days to see if you have any reaction. Smoking is a another major cause of skin wrinkling. I suppose not many people will stop smoking just for vanity’s sake; there are so many more compelling reasons to stop. But smoking definitely ages your skin prematurely. In fact, if you smoke a pack and a half a day you’ll wrinkle about ten years sooner than a nonsmoker. Smoking affects the skin both because of the physical act of smoking as well as the effect of nicotine in your system. When you smoke you’re constantly pursing your lips to inhale and exhale. This action encourages vertical lines to form around your lips. In addition, constantly bathing the skin in smoke dries the face and encourages wrinkles to form. Vitamin C, a nutrient that helps the skin remain supple, and other nutrients are depleted by smoking. In addition, nicotine constricts blood vessels and thus interferes with the flow of nutrients to the cells.
Moisturizing cream will help your skin remain wrinkle-free as long as possible. You’ll notice that people with oily skin tend to wrinkle less than people with dry skin; that’s because the natural oil keeps their skin lubricated. If you don’t have oily skin, you’ll want to moisturize it.
There are two supplements that contribute to the health of the skin and are protective against wrinkling-vitamin C and vitamin A. I suggest you take both supplements daily.
- Drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
- Always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, not just when you’re at the beach. Apply it each day before you leave the house and reapply it at midday,
- Stop smoking.
- Moisturize your skin.
- Vitamin C: 1,000 mg. daily.
- Vitamin A: 10,000 I.U. daily.