
To our Dearest Patients,

With deep sorrow and overwhelming heartbreak, we regretfully share the news of the premature passing of our beloved Dr. Richard Ash.

On Friday, December 25th, Dr. Ash passed away tragically as a result of unexpected complications following a routine medical procedure.

Dr. Ash will be remembered for so many contributions to the world and the medical community, including his unique approach to “being sick and tired of being sick and tired”, combining cutting edge diagnostic approaches with comprehensive functional testing to identify and treat the root causes of many common and uncommon ailments.

Family, friends, colleagues, patients, and all who wish to join are invited to attend a memorial service for Dr. Ash at 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 in the main sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El, 1 East 65th St, New York, NY.

No one can replace Dr. Ash. The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine’s progressive treatment and patient care will continue with the oversight and guidance of Dr. Ash’s dearest friend and colleague, Anthony Lyon, MD a world renowned physician, and the leadership of Rachel Ash and family. They together will assemble a team of several excellent world class physicians and specialists who will continue the care, quality, and philosophies of Dr. Ash.

The office is open per usual business operating hours. Please rest assured that your ongoing patient care and treatment protocols will continue without interruption. We will be contacting patients to reconfirm your appointments as we usually do, and to address any questions you may have.

We appreciate your love and support during this difficult time. In lieu of flowers:

With love,
Rachel Ash & The Ash Center staff


Conditions - Overview-Overview


- by Della Richmond


Throughout this century, Crohn’s disease has become a progressively increasing problem, miserable for those who have it and, hitherto, baffling for the doctors. 2.

Inflammatory bowel disease is a general term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Ulcerative colitis is usually confined to the inner surface of the colon, whereas Crohn’s disease can involve all layers of the entire gastro- intestinal tract. Both can cause severe abdominal pain, recurring attacks of diarrhea, and weight loss. Drugs can quell the illness temporarily, but in severe cases, doctors must remove the diseased bowel. 4.

Ulcerative colitis affects only the inner layer of the colon, or large bowel. It always starts in the rectum and may extend as a continuous inflammation from there into the the rest of the colon. Usually ulcerative colitis can be controlled with medication. IBD is unpredictable. Most people experience periods of remission and flareups of the disease, often requiring long-term medication, hospitalization or surgery. The disease can be completely elimin- ated by surgically removing the colon, but afterward, waste material may have to be stored and expelled through an external appliance. 5.

There is no known cause or cure for IBD. In Canada, an estimated 100,000 men and women suffer from IBD. 5. People are most frequently diagnosed between the ages of 15-25, or 45-55. IBD, including Crohn’s disease usually affects the lower ileum but may involve other parts of the GI tract. In 50% of cases, the disease begins between ages 20 and 30; the incidence is about equal in males and females, but the disease is more common among Jews. 12. IBD is especially difficult for children and young adults since it often affects a person’s self-concept, body image and lifestyle at a time when “being like everyone else” is so important. Although IBD is found throughout the world, it seems to be more common in North America and northern Europe. Canada is believed to have one of the highest incidence rates of IBD in the world. 5.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and colitis: Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine, characterized by alternating bouts of diarrhoea and consti- pation. The stools may contain mucus or blood if the disease is severe (seek medical help in these cases). A less serious condition is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Here diarrhoea or constipation and flatulence commonly occur without many signs of organic disease. 13.

A thriving colony of microscopic organisms lives in the gut of the average person. These bugs don’t cause any trouble for most people, but they send some 1 million U.S. residents running to the bathroom in pain from a chronic, debilitating inflammation of the intestines. Researchers think they have now identified two specific microorganisms that trigger such disease. 4.


Crohn’s disease is a chronic digestive disorder. Some 1,000,000 Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease may affect the lower part of the small intestine, the colon, and other parts of the digestive tract. It usually involves all layers of the intestinal wall. 1.

Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. Patches of inflammation occur, with healthy tissue between the diseased areas. The inflammation can extend through every layer of affected bowel tissue. Crohn’s disease can not be cured by drugs or surgery, although either or both can help relieve symptoms. 5.

Crohn’s disease attacks the colon and often causes severe pain. There is inflammation throughout all layers of the colon, sometimes blocking it so completely, nothing can pass through. 8.


In the United States, from 500,000 to 1 million people have Crohn’s disease, according to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). Precise prevalence figures are difficult to determine in part because many people put off seeking treatment and physicians frequently misdiagnose the illness, said a foundation spokesperson. “People who have Crohn’s disease most frequently have initial onset of the illness between the ages of 12 and 35 years,” said Richard P. MacDermott, MD, a gastroenterologist at Lahey Clinic, Boston, who chairs CCFA’s National Scientific Advisory Committee. 3.


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), describes two similar yet distinct conditions called Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These diseases affect the digestive system and cause the intestinal tissue to become inflamed, form sores and bleed easily. 5.

The symptoms range from mild to severe, including: abdominal pain, lower right abdominal pain, constant cramping, periodic cramping, delayed growth and sexual maturation in children, diarrhea, persistent diarrhea, fatigue, malabsorption, fever, possible anemia, rectal bleeding, skin or eye irritations, and loss of energy, appetite and weight. 1, 5, 8.

Dietary modifications may reduce symptoms. 1.


Crohn’s disease is very often misdiagnosed, as it is similar to several other gastrointestinal diseases ranging from food allergy to malignant cancer with such afflictions as Whipple’s disease, Colitis, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in-between. Many of these other afflictions are readily curable with a high success rate. However, because of misdiagnosis, the symptoms may affect the patient for years and in some instances, the condition clears up without ever having been properly identified. 12.

Many of these diseases masquerade as each other. The medication and treatment proven effective for one may also work for another but will most likely prove to be ineffectual, with the patient suffering, unnecessarily, due to misdiag- nosis. If I suspected that I had any of these diseases, I would demand a full, blood spectrum analysis, sigmoidoscopy, and get a detailed evaluation from a Diagnostician or at least, a Gastrointestinal Specialist with reputable credentials hanging on his or her office walls. At the very least, I would want a second or third opinion before any surgery or medical treatment began.

Crohn’s disease varies widely in its clinical features and no definitive test exists for diagnosing the illness. The foundation estimates that 15,000 new cases of Crohn’s disease are diagnosed each year in the United States. 3.


IBD is medically incurable. Its cause is unknown. 1. Many attempts have been made to find bacteria or viruses that might specifically cause the disease, but until recently all these efforts failed. 2. Evidence suggests that a myco- bacterium has a role in the illness. 3. Diet does not cause IBD. 1.

Researchers have considered M. paratuberculosis a possible cause of Crohn’s disease for two decades, largely on the basis of circumstantial evidence. The bacterium causes chronic inflammation of the intestines in many different animals, including primates, Hermon-Taylor said. The bacterium causes an illness in cattle and other animals called Johne’s disease, some forms of which are similar to Crohn’s disease in humans. In addition, intestinal tuberculosis in humans caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a related bacterium, also can be similar to Crohn’s disease. 3.

In Graham’s view, the notion that M. paratuberculosis causes at least some cases of Crohn’s disease is plausible. So, is Crohn’s disease transmitted to humans by milk? Hermon-Taylor noted that M. paratuberculosis is endemic in dairy herds throughout Europe as well as in North America, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. In the United Kingdom, at least 3.5% of cattle harbor the bacterium, as determined by PCR analysis of intestinal tissues. M. para- tuberculosis can exist in apparently healthy animals for years without the animals showing signs of clinical disease. These animals shed the bacterium in their milk. 3.

In fact, Hermon-Taylor and colleagues recently completed a 4«-year study throughout central and southern England that showed that intact M. paratuber- culosis bacteria are present in an overall 7% of retail supplies of pasteurized cow’s milk, especially from January to March and from September to November. Hermon-Taylor and his collaborators do not know whether these surges are important for human infection. People might contract M. paratuberculosis infection by drinking milk. Hermon-Taylor presented these findings recently at the European Congress of Microbial Chemotherapy in Glasgow, Scotland. 3.

Unlike M. tuberculosis, M. paratuberculosis can survive pasteurization. Labor- atory tests have shown that some M. paratuberculosis bacteria remain active even after heating at 71.6ø C for 15 seconds, the conditions of a method of commercial pasteurization. 3.

Crohn’s disease in the UK emerged “perceptibly” in the mid-1940s and the inci- dence of the disease has been rising. In the UK, up to 80,000 people suffer from the illness, Hermon-Taylor said. The rising incidence may be related to changes in farming practices. 3.


Food intolerance may be at the root of the problem. In one medical study published in the Lancet, two thirds of patients with IBS displayed food intolerance, and once these foods were removed from the diet, the condition improved. Suspect substances are coffee, strong tea, alcohol, cigarettes, dairy foods, eggs, and possibly even gluten, contained in the cereals wheat, oats, barley, and rye. These foods can be eliminated from the diet for a time, but this is probably best done with professional help. Herbs are most helpful in treating colitis and IBS. If you suffer from severe colitis and your stools contain mucus or blood, you should seek medical help immediately. 13.


Medications help control IBD. Sulfasalazine and corticosteroids are the standard drugs. When these drugs cannot be tolerated or are ineffective, other drugs are available. 1. Investigators have tested clarithromycin alone and in combination with rifabutin. 3.

Acting on DNA evidence that implicates Mycobacterium paratuberculosis as a possible cause of Crohn’s disease, a team led by John Hermon-Taylor, MD, a Crohn’s disease researcher here, used a combination of rifabutin and clari- thromycin (Biaxin, Abbott) to treat 46 patients with Crohn’s disease. The investigators did not determine whether patients were infected with M. para- tuberculosis. 3.


Although researchers have yet to do a definitive study proving M. paratubercu- losis or any microbe causes Crohn’s disease, “Crohn’s disease specialists believe that scientific evidence supports a role for an infectious agent,” MacDermott said. “Crohn’s has every feature of a chronic, long-term disease process stimulated or mediated by infection.” 3.

Hermon-Taylor points out that M. paratuberculosis is difficult to eradicate because the bacterium lives within host cells in a form that has no cell wall and it occurs in low abundance and replicates quite slowly. “Single-agent therapies are almost all certain to fail and should be avoided,” he said. 3.

Crohn’s disease has symptoms similar to colitis, but can occur anywhere along the GI tract. The cause for the symptoms is unknown. Various nutrient deficiencies can develop because of malabsorption during acute phases, which include diarrhea. Initially, loses of sodium, potassium and water are of concern. Long term symptoms can cause protein/calorie malnutrition along with deficiencies of Vitamins A, B 12, C, D, E and K, folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. Oral vitamin supplements probably will not resolve these deficiencies during acute diarrhea phases. 10.


Emotional stress does not cause IBD. But stress may trigger flare-ups. 1.

A Crohn’s sufferer asks the Dietician :

“I have a GI disorder known as Crohn’s disease. I am currently having a flare up and am on a liquid diet. What do you recommend to drink? I can handle soup, but Ensure tastes terrible. Also, any tips on how to eat to prevent a flare up?” 10.

“During acute symptoms, you should avoid raw vegetables and fruit, milk and dairy products and whole grain cereals. You may need to follow a clear liquid diet or even nothing by mouth to give your GI tract a complete rest. (This may require hospitalization with IV’s with added vitamins and minerals, which can be achieved with total parenteral nutrition - TPN.) A clear liquid diet is strained fruit or vegetable juices (apple juice, cranberry juice), broth (beef or chicken), plain gelatin, fruit ices, carbonated beverages, coffee and tea. Besides Ensure, you can try Citrotein or Sustacal. That’s it. 10.

When you no longer have acute symptoms, you can start a full liquid diet by adding cream soups, cooked refined cereals, custard, tapioca or pudding, but milk products like yogurt, ice cream and pudding may still cause symptoms due to lactose intolerance. 10.

Weight loss and limited food intake during acute phases adds to the decrease in your nutritional status.” 10.

“I spoke with you awhile back about different diets for Crohn’s disease. I have another question for you. My fingernails are brittle and peeling. Could this be from a deficiency in a certain vitamin? I am currently having a flare up with Crohn’s and I am at home on a TPN. I add iron and a multivitamin to my TPN. The doctor decreased the amount of TPN yesterday and he will be taking me off of it soon, as long as I am able to eat without vomiting or pain. How can I get my nails back to normal?” 10.

“TPN (total parenteral nutrition) is administered through an IV into a vein. The mixed solutions provide calories through glucose (dextrose) and fatty acids in addition to essential amino acids to build and repair muscles and organs. Usually an MVI (multivitamin intravenous) plus minerals is added as you did to the TPN solution. 10.

The state of your nails may be due to the fact that you have been ill with Crohn’s rather than a nutritional deficiency. Crohn’s involves malabsorption of nutrients including protein and the resulting diarrhea is evidence that your body was not absorbing the food that you were eating. The amino acids (protein) in the TPN solution was needed to heal your intestinal tract. 10.

Nails and hair are rigid protein structures and generally reflect the overall health status of a person not a vitamin deficiency. It is not unusual for the nails to become ridged or brittle during an acute illness, especially those involving fevers. Other nail changes like white lines in the nail occur because of damage to the nail bed when pushing back the nail cuticle. 10. Until your nails become stronger, cut them even with the end of your fingers, don’t wear nail polish and wear gloves when your hands are in water for extended periods of time (dish washing). 10.

Given a nutrient dense, balanced, healthy diet with adequate protein, your nails will probably return to normal, but it will take 6 to 12 months for the nail to grow out from the cuticle to the end of your finger.” 10.


Some cases of Crohn’s disease appear to respond to antibiotic treatment. 3.

July 1996, London - Recent study findings suggest that antibiotics may have a role in treating Crohn’s disease, a serious illness characterized by chron- ically inflamed bowels. 3.

After patients started antibiotic treatment, they continued to take steroids, a conventional treatment, at their usual dosages for four to six weeks. After that, they gradually reduced the steroids until they were off them completely. Data from this uncontrolled study suggest that patients who took the anti- biotics had a much longer remission than patients who received conventional treatment alone. About 80% of the patients who could take the treatment had “a profound and lasting remission” of their illness, said Hermon-Taylor, who is professor of surgery at St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London. 3.

If antibiotics effective against M. paratuberculosis prove to be a good treat- ment for Crohn’s disease clinicians should wait until the optimal antibiotic regimen is worked out before prescribing antibiotics for Crohn’s disease. Otherwise, clinicians may contribute to a growing problem of drug-resistant bacterial strains, Graham said. 3.

Patients must take antibiotics at least 2« years to have long-term remission, Hermon-Taylor said. Among patients who respond to treatment, remission occurs slowly over the first three to six months of treatment. Symptoms often get worse before they get better, as in the drug treatment of leprosy, he said. 3.

In the late 1980s, doctors treated Crohn’s disease patients with drugs aimed at mycobacterial infection, but the patients showed no improvement. After that, most doctors ruled out M. paratuberculosis as the cause of Crohn’s disease. 4.


Dieticians suggest that when you are not experiencing symptoms that you should follow a nutrient dense balanced diet including a daily multivitamin, with adequate fiber to maintain intestinal elimination. You will have to vary the fiber content of your diet to find the level that works for you. If you are prone to GI obstructions, a high fiber diet is not recommended. For persons without Crohn’s disease 1 gram of fiber per 100 calories of food is recommended and would be a good fiber level to start. 10.

Those with allergies should take bee pollen granules. Start with one granule a day for a week, then two a day for a week, four a day for a week, then an eighth of a teaspoon for a week. Gradually increasing by eighths of a teaspoon until it reaches one teaspoon a day. The bee pollen granules must be from the Crohn’s patients local area to be optimally effective against local allergens and of the purest and highest quality. 8.

Non-dairy acidophilus aids in digestion. 1 teaspoon in a glass of water twice daily. 8.

AVOID: spicy foods, fried and greasy foods, pepper, tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, margarine, all carbonated beverages, chocolate, processed foods, animal products and meats. 8.

Steam, broil, boil or bake foods. Drink plenty of liquids including steam distilled water, herb teas and fresh juices. 8.

From CCFA (the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America) -


Deficiencies of essential nutrients may occur in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, depending on the location and extent of the disease. The primary nutrients are: protein; calories; vitamins A, D, C, B-12 and folic acid; calcium; iron; and zinc. The best protection is to eat a variety of foods from the four basic food groups (see below), choosing sources that are rich in the nutrients you need and that conform to any dietary modifications that you may require. Some people also may need vitamin or mineral supplements. 7.

While diet can’t cure this illness, good nutrition can help the following ways: It can reduce disease symptoms and replace lost nutrients. Medications may be more effective when your nutritional state is not depleted. Retarded growth in children may be alleviated when proteins and calories are increased. 7.

Should You Avoid Certain Foods? 7.

Unless your dietary history suggests a specific food intolerance, there is no need to avoid a particular food. For the diet and/or supplements that are right for you, talk to your physician or nutritionist. 7.

The Four Basic Food Groups 7.

Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs), established for the general population, can be useful as a starting point in planning your diet. To meet these RDA’s, eat daily helpings of the following: 7.

  • Meat and meat substitutes - 2 servings
  • Dairy - 2-4 servings
  • Cereal and grains - 4 servings
  • Fruits and vegetables - 5 servings 7.

Food Sources of Important Vitamins

Vitamin A
Liver, eggs, dairy products, fish liver oils, dark green leafy vegetables (e.g., green peas, spinach)

Vitamin D
Sunlight, liver, fish liver oil, fortified food products (e.g., milk, butter, cereals)

Vitamin C
Fruits (e.g., citrus fruits, bananas, apples)

Folic Acid
Liver, beets, corn, legumes, green leafy vegetables

Vitamin B-12
Meat, fish, poultry

Cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, sardines

Red meat, fish, poultry, eggs

Animal protein (e.g., beef, chicken), plant foods, (e.g., legumes, bran, green peas) 7.


Crohn’s Disease is an autoimmune condition that can be worsened by several nutritional deficiencies as well as food and environmental allergies. Daily Nutritional Support

  • High Fiber Diet
  • Eliminate all possible allergies
  • Folic Acid 2 - 5 mg
  • Vitamin A (fish liver oil only) 100,000 - 300,000 IU
  • Vitamin B-12 500 - 1000 mcg
  • Calcium/Magnesium 1000 - 2000 mg
  • Zinc 50 mg
  • Full Spectrum LIQUID Nutritional Program for Maximum Absorption
  • Full Spectrum LIQUID Trace Minerals As Indicated

Source: SelfHealth by Dr. Steven E. Whiting 9.

This is a condition wherein the colon becomes inflamed and irritated due to many possible causes. We know that stress, food allergies, bacterial and/or viral infections and even a low fiber diet can all contribute to this very uncomfortable condition.

Daily Nutritional Support

  • Avoid all known allergic substances
  • Increase Fiber in the diet (Metamucil is excellent)
  • Increase fluid intake (especially water)
  • Acidophilus 10 capsules per day
  • Liquid Oxygen Drink (Note: must be taken on an empty stomach)
  • 1 oz 2 - 3 times per day
  • Aloe Vera Concentrate 2 - 3 oz 2 - 4 times per day
  • Full Spectrum LIQUID Nutrition program for maximum absorption
  • Full Spectrum LIQUID Trace Minerals As Indicated

Source: SelfHealth by Dr. Steven E. Whiting 9.


Some of the single herbs that are known to help Crohn’s disease are slippery elm, propolis, aloe vera, alfalfa, dandelion, garlic, pau ‘d arco, scullcap, psyllium, echinacea, golden seal root and rose hips. A supplement containing “GLA” is often beneficial. Some herbs high in “GLA” are borage, evening primrose oil and black current oil. 8.

Digestive Disorders and Herbal Remedies:

Indigestion: Indigestion is usually caused by bad eating habits. Eating irregularly, too much, too rapidly, eating when anxious or eating the wrong food can trigger feelings of bloating, heaviness, dull stomach pain or heart- burn after a meal. The medical profession often prescribes antacids for indigestion to neutralize stomach acid. This unfortunately provokes the stomach to secrete more acid, so that digestion can take place. Herbs provide a more effective answer. Infusions of fennel, mint, dill, chamomile, aniseed or lemon balm are all aromatic and relieve flatulence. These are usually taken after a meal. Bitter decoctions, like gentian or dandelion root, taken before a meal stimulate the appetite and digestive secretions and activity. Nervous tension may be eased by infusions of chamomile and lemon balm, or hops. 13.

Gastritis and peptic ulcers: Gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining) and ulceration of the stomach or duodenum are essentially similar complaints, but ulcers require medical attention. The same elements that cause indigestion may be root causes of these allied conditions. Changing the diet, eating regularly and ensuring that stress is reduced is a vital part of the treatment. In addition, for gastritis take an infusion or decoction of 1 part of meadowsweet, 1/2 part each of gentian and golden seal, and 2 parts each of comfrey and marshmallow. A gastric or duodenal ulcer may respond to an infusion or decoction of 1 part each of licorice, golden seal, marigold, and chamomile, and 2 parts each of comfrey and marshmallow. 13.

Slippery elm powder coats the lining of the stomach and protects it against over-acid secretions. Mix slippery elm powder with milk or water and eat a few tsps. of it when in pain. In general, eat little and often. Avoid food and drink that irritate the stomach, such as alcohol, fried food, pickles, spices, tea, and coffee. Even decaffeinated coffee increases stomach acidity. Golden seal, through its powerful tonic effect on the mucous membranes, helps in the treatment of many digestive problems. 13.

Diarrhoea and constipation: Any change in normal bowel habit that suddenly occurs, lasting more than two or three days must be medically investigated. Diarrhoea is usually caused by an infection or irritation of part of the digestive tract, e.g. gastroenteritis, and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In such cases, vomiting and diarrhoea are natural physiological mechanisms to help the body rid itself of poisons. Once you have determined that there is no serious cause, you should allow the condition to run its course, taking care to replace lost fluids and electrolytes by drinking a solution of warm water and honey. Infants may quickly collapse after bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting, if lost fluids and electrolytes are not replaced. Get prompt medical help when babies are ill. 13.

If diarrhoea persists, combine a teaspoon of a mixture of astringent remedies, e.g. agrimony and fivefinger grass, with a pinch of ginger and cinnamon powder. Garlic and echinacea can be taken as natural antibiotics. If diarrhoea is your problem, you should avoid cold drinks and cold food, since digestive activity is aided by warmth. Nausea responds well to spices like ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, and coriander. You could also try slippery elm tablets. 13.

Constipation is usually the result of poor diet and lack of exercise. The long-term use of herbal laxatives like senna is to be avoided since the bowel can become habituated to their use. In general, there are two types of constipation: the flaccid type when muscular activity is weak, or the tense type when nervous and muscular tension inhibits bowel activity. The former condition can be relieved by regular exercise and abdominal massage and herbs which increase muscle tone and activity. A high-fibre diet is essential. To help this flaccid condition, try an infusion or decoction of 1 part each of licorice, damiana, raspberry leaves, golden seal, rhubarb root, ginger, and 2 parts of dandelion root. 13.

An over-contracted gut - the tense condition - may respond to an infusion or decoction which contains bowel relaxants. Use 1 part each of chamomile, ginger, valerian, peppermint, and 2 parts each of licorice, wild yam, and dandelion root. Relaxation exercises may also help to alleviate the underlying tension. 13.

In both cases it is advisable to use psyllium seeds. The black variety is more effective than the white. Mix two teaspoons of seeds into a cup of warm water and stir well. Leave the cup for five minutes before stirring again. Swallow the contents which can be flavoured with a little lemon or grapefruit juice and honey which also helps lubricate the bowel. Take a cupful one to three times a day after meals. The seeds are an effective, gentle bulk laxative. 13.

If you suffer from severe colitis and your stools contain mucus or blood, you should seek medical help immediately. Subsequently, take an infusion or decoction of 1 part each of wild yam, golden seal, and chamomile, 2 parts each of agrimony and American cranesbill, 3 parts of marshmallow and 1/2 part of acorus root until the problem subsides. 13.

Oriental Herbal Medicine: Let’s look at the effect an herb has on the body’s metabolism. When it causes the metabolism in the body to speed up, it is heating. When it causes the metabolism to slow down, it is cooling. In the first case we feel warmer; in the second, cooler. 11.

If there is already heat in the body, then taking a warm-natured herb will create further heat. However, taking an herb with a cool energy will clear the heat, creating balance. Likewise, if there is coldness in the body, taking a cool-natured herb will create more coldness. Taking a warm-natured herb will warm that coldness and create balance. This concept is simplified, but it demonstrates how the warming and cooling energies of herbs can affect the body and how we feel. 11.

Some herbs are hot, some slightly warm, others cool, some very cold and others neutral. Each herb varies in energy, yet overall it is stated that the herb is either hot, warm, neutral, cool or cold. There are very few hot or cold herbs, and so warming or cooling energies are the most common seen. 11.

There are some herbs which have a neutral inner nature. This means that they are neither warm nor cool but balanced and so will not change the energy of your body when you take them. Licorice is an example. If you chew on a slice of licorice root, it will feel neither warm nor cool. This means it has a neutral energy and will not warm or cool the body. 11.

Therefore, one of the best ways to tell the inner nature of an herb is to see how you feel after eating it. If you eat mint you feel cool, and if you eat cinnamon you feel warm. Another way is to look at its color. As a general rule red, yellow, orange and pink herbs have a warm energy, and white, blue, purple and other dark-colored plants have a cool energy. 11.

A further key to learning the energy of an herb is how our bodies react from it. Herbs which give us more energy and strength and activate our blood circulation generally have a warm energy. Herbs which cause us to go to the bathroom, sweat or feel calm usually have a cool energy. 11.

Taste: The taste of an herb helps determine its heating or cooling energy. It also gives the herb other qualities and effects which are helpful in learning more uses of the herb. In the West there are four tastes recognized, but in the Orient there are five: sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and sour. Sometimes astringent is placed in a sixth category, but essentially it belongs to the sour taste. 11.

For the purpose of this text, we will discuss three of the tastes; pungent, sour and bitter as these most affect the digestive tract.

Pungent: The pungent taste is also called acrid or spicy, and it is warm to hot in energy. It stimulates the circulation of blood, energy, lymphatic fluid and nerve energy. It counteracts poor digestion and circulation, feelings of coldness and mucus production. It moves energy from the inside to the outside of the body, opening the pores and allowing a sweat to occur. Thus, it is especially useful for surface allments such as colds, flu and mucus congestion. It also stimulates the circulation of fluid, secretions and saliva. The spicy taste has a direct effect on the Lungs and Colon. 11.

Since pungent herbs are dispersing, in excess they can exhaust energy reserves, cause the finger and toe nails to wither and tighten the tendons, thus decreasing flexibility. Therefore, they should be used only as needed. Examples include ginger, prickly ash, cayenne, and aconite. 11.

Sour: The sour taste is cooling, drying, astringent and refreshing. It dries up mucus and tightens the tissues and muscles, thus toning them. It helps stop excessive perspiration, loss of fluids and excess secretions of mucus and bleeding. It also stimulates digestion and metabolism and aids in breaking down fats through its stimulation of bile, thus aiding their absorption. The sour taste has a direct effect on the Liver and Gallbladder as it drains and expels any excess in those organs. 11.

In excess, however, the sour taste can actually harm digestion, as it can coat the mucus linings of the stomach and intestines, thus causing poor digestion and absorption. It can also toughen the flesh. Example herbs are raspberries, blackberries, schisandra, orange peel and lemons. 11.

Bitter: The bitter taste is cooling, drying, detoxifying & anti-inflammatory. It stimulates the secretion of bile, which in turn sparks the digestive fires and stimulates normal bowel elimination. It also helps protect the body against parasites and clears the blood of cholesterol. As such, this taste strengthens the Heart and Small intestines and cleanses the blood. Sweet cravings can be alleviated through ingestion of something bitter. It also dries dampness and secretions in the body, such as diarrhea, leucorrhea and skin abscesses. 11.

Bitter in excess can be too drying and eliminating. It can also cause the skin to wither and body hair to fall out. Examples of bitter herbs include dandelion, gentian and golden seal. 11.


Patients suffering from Crohn’s may find comfort in assuming the Trendelenberg position, as follows:

Trendelenberg Position

Good to alleviate nausea, intestinal pain and menstrual cramps. Relaxing position to utilize during pregnancy. Allows flatus to pass easily.


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Lay on right side. Extend right arm down behind back, with back of hand pressing firmly against small of back. Left arm out front, hand on bed, fingers relatively flat, supporting weight of body. Right leg is reasonably straight, but relaxed. Left leg is bent, with instep of left foot nestled snugly in bend of right leg behind the right knee. Left kneecap may rest on bed or left knee may dangle in mid-air, depending upon the person and whatever is most comfortable. Some people may want to have a pillow under the left knee, and possibly under the left arm, to lend further support. Relax in this position for as long as it remains comfortable.


The 12th thoracic vertebrae controls the small intestine and the 1st lumbar vertebrae controls the large intestine and inguinal rings. 14. A misalignment of these vertebrae can cause problems with the small and large intestine. Chiropractic manipulation to adjust these spinal misalignments may be of great value and relief to those suffering with Crohn’s.


Bowels represent the release of waste. Bowel problems indicate a fear of letting go of the old and no longer needed. A good affirmation for this is: “Letting go is easy. I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new.” 14.

The 12th thoracic vertebrae misalignment represents a disowning of the right to live. Insecure and fearful of love. Inability to digest. The affirmation to overcome this is: “I choose to circulate the joys of life. I am willing to nourish myself.” The 1st lumbar misalignment shows: A crying for love and a need to be lonely. Insecurity. The affirmation to overcome these feelings is: “I am safe in the universe and all Life loves me and supports me.” 14.


Surgery may be needed if drugs do not control symptoms, or if complications arise. Surgical removal of the colon is a cure for ulcerative colitis. It is not a cure for Crohn’s disease. 1.


If the aggressive form of Crohn’s is due to a raging infection with M. para- tuberculosis, antimicrobial drugs might be effective, Greenstein suggests. He points out that in previous studies, which did not distinguish between the forms of Crohn’s, drugs showed no effect. While they may have benefited people with severe Crohn’s, they would not have affected patients with the indolent form, whose infection had already been cleared, he says. Those patients might benefit from earlier therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs, a strategy that would prevent scar tissue from forming, he adds. 4.

“Hello all, I received an e-mail from a doctor that had visited my web pages on Crohn’s and he related a story of how he is treating a crohn’s patient using hyperbaric oxygen. He reports the patient’s symptoms have subsided by 40% after 2 treatments. He sent along a couple of abstracts written about this. I did a search on medline and came up with 67 matches for studies. There have been Drs. using this at least as long ago as 1987 (earliest study I looked at). Has anyone ever heard anything about this or know someone that has tried it? If you would like to explore it you can find studies by going to Medline at I used the search words “hyperbaric oxygen, gastrointestinal diseases.” Interesting reading. Makes me wonder why more isn’t being done in this area…maybe there is nothing there for the drug companies to make a fortune on.” 6.

The Perlmutter Hyperbaric Center is a state of the art hyperbaric oxygen facility. They utilize four Sechrist Model 3200 hyperbaric chambers - the most technologically advanced monoplace chambers available. Treatments are administered by a staff of highly trained, courteous technicians under the direction of David Perlmutter, M.D. and Myron Lezak, M.D. 6.


Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy is an exciting medical treatment approved by the FDA and AMA which enhances tissue levels of life giving oxygen. Normally, oxygen is almost exclusively carried by red blood cells. During HBO therapy, there is a substantial increase in the amount of oxygen carried in all body fluids including plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph, and intracellular fluids. This allows increased oxygen levels even in areas with poor or compromised blood supply as well as in areas of tissue damage. 6.

Increasing tissue oxygen levels produces several important long term thera- peutic benefits including enhanced growth of new blood vessels, increased ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria and remove toxins, increase growth of fibroblasts (cells involved in wound healing), and enhanced metabolic activity of previously marginally functioning cells including brain neurons. Patients receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy enter a 1-person clear acrylic chamber where they breathe 100% oxygen delivered to the chamber under increased atmospheric pressure. During the treatments, which typically last 1« to 2 hours, patients relax, watch television, or sleep while they are carefully monitored by highly trained technicians with whom they can communicate easily through an intercom system. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are safe and painless, although approximately 5% of patients (typically those who report ear pain with flying) may experience mild ear discomfort. 6.


Because of the wide range of clinical conditions responding favorably to hyper- baric oxygen therapy, it is now being used world wide. There are over 350 hyperbaric centers in the United States alone. Some of the medical conditions for which hyperbaric oxygen therapy is helpful include air embolism, decom- pression illness, burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, cerebral edema (brain swelling), closed head injuries, sickle cell anemia, gangrene, near drowning, severed limbs, smoke inhalation, spinal cord injury, organic brain syndrome, stroke, coma, multiple sclerosis, hearing loss, peripheral neuropathy, radiation myelitis, crush injuries, soft tissue injuries, osteomyelitis (both acute and chronic), non-healing fractures, tendon and ligament injuries, delayed wound healing, soft tissue ulcers from arterial or venous insuffi- ciency, decubitous ulcers, frostbite, diabetic retinopathy, migraine headache, cluster headache, myocardial infarction, chronic fatigue, post-polio syndrome, Crohn’s disease, Bell’s palsy, Lyme disease, Meniere’s disease, reflex sympa- thetic dystrophy, and osteoradionecrosis (bone degeneration after radiation exposure). We treat patients with a variety of medical conditions. 6.


Though the new research will not provide immediate relief for people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, it may ultimately lead to a better way to treat the diseases. 4.

Reaction to this latest report linking M. paratuberculosis to Crohn’s disease has been deeply skeptical. “The evidence to date that Mycobacteria have anything to do with Crohn’s disease is slim to nil,” comments Lloyd Mayer, a microbiologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. To turn the skeptics into believers, Greenstein’s theory needs more data, such as a large-scale study that examines the two forms of Crohn’s disease separately. 4.

Greenstein points out that researchers had been dubious about the link between the bacterium Helicobactor pylori and peptic ulcer disease. Now that link has been well established. Other groups have also published evidence of a microbial link to Crohn’s disease. For example, investigators have shown that exposure to the measles virus may boost the risk of Crohn’s. 4.

Mayer has no doubt that a whole cast of microscopic organisms acts in this drama. It’s very common, he says, to hear that both a husband and wife experienced diarrhea on a trip to Mexico but that only one went on to develop the recurrent symptoms of Crohn’s disease. “There may be multiple agents or organisms that start off the inflammatory process,” Mayer says. “And then it’s the genetics and the abnormal immune response that allow it to persist.” 4.

It may take years before such scientific investigations yield a practical solution to inflammatory bowel disease. Is it worth the wait? Researchers like Sartor say it is. He points out that ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease often strike people in the prime of life. Current drug treatment can only help temporarily. Sartor is looking for a lasting fix. 4.


Due to the fact that Crohn’s Disease is oftentimes misdiagnosed, as it is similar to so many other gastro-intestinal ailments, I have included this supplementary (complete with medical terms) for those desiring further info. At the end of this secion is the Research and related findings. For those not wanting to read the following medical text, please jump ahead to the Research section or the References. In the event none of those topics interest you, consider this text completed and I hope this text has been interesting and informative for you, on the subject of Crohn’s disease. - D. Richmond



  1. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc., Copyright (c) 1996, by Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.
  2. Professor John Hermon-Taylor, M Chir FRCS, St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, Journal number 140 (Jun -Aug 1993), Gizmo’s Ostomy Page
  3. Dumonceau JM, Van Gossum A, Adler M, et al., “No Mycobacterium para- tuberculosis found in Crohn’s disease using polymerase chain reactions.”, Dig Dis Sci.1996, 41:421-6.
  4. Sanderson JD, Moss MT, Tizard MLV, Hermon-Taylor. Mycobacterium para- tuberculosis DNA in Crohn’s disease tissue. Gut. 1992, 33: 890-6
  5. Dell’Isola B, Poyart C, Govlet O, et al., “Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis by polymerase chain reaction in children with Crohn’s disease.”, J Infect Dis. 1994, 169:449-51.
  6. Gastrointestinal Blues: “Research finds bugs that inflame the human gut”, Kathleen Fackelmann, November 9, 1996, (c) 1996 Science Service, Inc.
  7. About Inflammatory Bowel Disease, [email protected], Our web site is here to share information about CCFC events, programs and research opportun- ities. WE ARE NOT ABLE TO OFFER MEDICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL OR NUTRITIONAL ADVICE. Our mission is to find the cure and our highest priority is fund raising for research. For further information or comments about our site email us at [email protected]
  8. Crohn’s Disease Message Board II - Hyperbaric Oxygen and Crohns at: * HealthFitness/dat.1/mb21751.dat, Crohn’s Disease Message Board II Hyperbaric Oxygen and Crohns: Monday, 15-Feb-99 17:34:27,
  9. Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc., Copyright (C) 1996 Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, Inc.
  10. Ladies Home Journal, July 1994, article by Dr. Jon J. Michnovicz
  11. SelfHealth, Dr. Steven E. Whiting
  12. Ask the Dietitian SM, Copyright (c) 1998, Joanne Larsen MS RD LD
  13. Herbs of Life, Lesley Tierra, The Crossing Press, Freedom, CA
  14. Merck Manual, Twelfth Edition, Merck & Co., Inc., Rathway, NJ
  15. New Age Herbalist, Richard Mabey, Collier Books, New York, NY
  16. Heal Your Body, Louise L. Hay, Hay House, Inc., Santa Monica, CA, 1988


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