
To our Dearest Patients,

With deep sorrow and overwhelming heartbreak, we regretfully share the news of the premature passing of our beloved Dr. Richard Ash.

On Friday, December 25th, Dr. Ash passed away tragically as a result of unexpected complications following a routine medical procedure.

Dr. Ash will be remembered for so many contributions to the world and the medical community, including his unique approach to “being sick and tired of being sick and tired”, combining cutting edge diagnostic approaches with comprehensive functional testing to identify and treat the root causes of many common and uncommon ailments.

Family, friends, colleagues, patients, and all who wish to join are invited to attend a memorial service for Dr. Ash at 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 12th, 2016 in the main sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El, 1 East 65th St, New York, NY.

No one can replace Dr. Ash. The Ash Center for Comprehensive Medicine’s progressive treatment and patient care will continue with the oversight and guidance of Dr. Ash’s dearest friend and colleague, Anthony Lyon, MD a world renowned physician, and the leadership of Rachel Ash and family. They together will assemble a team of several excellent world class physicians and specialists who will continue the care, quality, and philosophies of Dr. Ash.

The office is open per usual business operating hours. Please rest assured that your ongoing patient care and treatment protocols will continue without interruption. We will be contacting patients to reconfirm your appointments as we usually do, and to address any questions you may have.

We appreciate your love and support during this difficult time. In lieu of flowers:

With love,
Rachel Ash & The Ash Center staff


Conditions - Overview-Overview

Urinary Incontinence

PATIENTS WHO COME to see me with the problem of urinary incontinence are usually near the end of their rope. They’ve typically been to several other doctors, including a urologist, and have run through a few courses of antibiotics, but nothing seems to help: At the most inopportune times they suffer an involuntary loss of urine. For some people it’s only when they laugh, cough, stand up suddenly, or jog. For others, it’s any time at all. It’s easy to see how this can be an embarrassing problem. In fact, some patients have seriously curtailed their activities because of incontinence. One of the most unfortunate aspects of the problem is that because people are frequently embarrassed by it they fail to seek any help.

Moreover, incontinence is often a reason given for putting a loved one nursing home. I think that people would be quite encouraged if they enormous success that one can have it using simple natural to help control or even eliminate incontinence.

Incontinence really refers to the inability to completely control the flow of urine. It’s quite common: Up to twenty million Americans suffer incontinence. Three quarters of these are women and most are Antibiotics, which are often used to clear up infections that ht be causing the incontinence, can also contribute to the problem. However, if you have burning or irritation with urination, you might also have a bladder infection, which will need to be treated by a doctor.) If you take any medication routinely, ask your doctor if the drug could be causing incontinence. Some of the medications that are used to control incontinence can cause side effects including dry mouth, eye problems, and buildup of urine. If you use any medications for incontinence, you must be under a doctor’s careful supervision.

The most effective natural remedy is a simple exercise. The Kegel exercises were developed in the 1940s to aid women with incontinence during pregnancy. These exercises strengthen the muscles that surround the opening to the bladder. You can feel them by stopping the flow of urine when you’re in the middle of voiding. The exercises simply involve tensing these muscles, counting to four slowly, and then releasing. You do this for at least two minutes three or more times a day.

If you practice these exercises diligently, you will begin to see real results in about three weeks. As I stress with my patients, you must do the exercises regularly; you can’t expect to do them for a week or two, find relief, and then give them up. Just as a bodybuilder will lose muscle mass if he stops lifting weights, so you’ll become incontinent again if you abandon your Kegel exercises.

Though the Kegel exercises are your most important tool in fighting incontinence, there are other factors in your environment that can play a role. For example, a number of substances can irritate the bladder including smoke, caffeine, perfumes in soaps and bubble baths, toilet paper, and feminine hygiene products. Cranberry juice is acidic and is known to be beneficial to the bladder, so add it to your diet.

You should also be reasonable about the amount of fluids you drink. One woman came to see me with incontinence that had confined her to her home for months. She learned the Kegel exercises and found some relief but still was trouble by occasional accidents. Upon further questioning I learned that she was on medication that required her to “force fluids” and she drank nearly twelve glasses of water on some days. In fact, half that amount of water would have been plenty and when she cut down, her incontinence finally came under control. If you suffer from incontinence, you really don’t need to drink more than four glasses of liquid a day, unless some other medical reason indicates otherwise.

Finally, you should remember to empty your bladder regularly. A too full bladder becomes stretched and can become liable to bladder infection. And of course a full bladder is more likely to leak. Try to remember to empty your bladder first thing in the morning, both before and after meals, and before going to bed.


  • See if any medications you take could be causing incontinence: Check with your doctor.
  • Kegel exercises: Do these every day, tightening and releasing your pelvic muscles for at least two minutes, three times a day or more.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, smoking, perfumes in soaps, bubble baths, and toilet papers, and feminine hygiene products.
  • Drink cranberry juice.
  • Unless there’s a medical reason indicating otherwise, drink no more than four glasses of liquid daily.
  • Empty your bladder regularly, at least eight times a day.

IN ADDITION: I suggest that all my patients with incontinence subscribe to a newsletter called “HIP: Help for Incontinent People,” published by a nonprofit, self-help organization. You can get a free copy by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to HIP, Box 544, Union, SC 29379.

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